God said: What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Matthew 10:27 NIV
Those were the marching orders that changed my life and launched me forward as a Prophetess in the earth. Every since that day in 2002, I have been doing just that, saying whatever he says in the dark, spea
God said: What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.
Matthew 10:27 NIV
Those were the marching orders that changed my life and launched me forward as a Prophetess in the earth. Every since that day in 2002, I have been doing just that, saying whatever he says in the dark, speaking it in the daylight, proclaiming it from the roofs. It all started in prophetic text messages and letters, poems, even that I would write.
Then it got bigger, when several doors locked shut in my face unexpectedly and I had no where to go and no way to get there, if I did.
God birthed Prolific Fire out of a season of pain. That's why the ministry's vision statement is: Prolific Fire- Seeking 2 Help You Where You Hurt! (Which simply means we deal with real issues using the bible as a reference).
Prolific Fire Ministry was birthed officially on Sept. 9, 2012 through the womb of a small town girl, with no siblings, not a lot of friends or connections, but I do have the heart of God. I know for sure that he loves and favors this ministry.
Therefore, I pay it forward by ministering on air, in one on one conversations, through "Train The Pain" sessions with you, all across social media. I have been called to the Internet and beyond, globally.
I am licensed and ordained to minister the prophetic to the hurting. I am a licensed "life coach" (different from the rest) because I coach those who are hurting, those dealing with issues. In other words, I stay in my lane, because I do know pain.
Like Jesus, pain and I are personally acquainted...and it's from this place of brokenness that I minister, that I love on you, that I pray and prophesy, counsel, coach, and mentor you. To God be the glory!!!
For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever!
Romans 11:36 NIV
LPS- Love, Prophetess Stacy ♥